Name: Dr. Vili Beros
Educational Qualification: M.D. Ph.D.
Designation: Vice President and founder of Croatian Society for Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery, Croatia.
Department: Neurosurgeon
University of Zagreb
Research Interests: Neurosurgeon
Biography: Over a decade of active neurosurgical training and every – day decision making in a challenging clinical setting. Academic research and teaching skills gained through intense work with undergrad students and PhD research, as well as numerous oral and written lectures, papers and presentations in domestic and international congresses 2006- Doctoral degree in Molecular biology, Faculty of science, University of Zagreb Thesis title: Changes in tumor suppressor gene (APC) in tumors of the central nervous system 1998- Specialization in Neurosurgery, the final exam grade : outstanding (5) 1989 Graduated from the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb GPA 4,83 out of 5 possible)
Serial no:IIEBM0284