Normal human body temperature is also known as the normothermia which has a certain limit. The normal range of human body temperature is 36.5-37.5 (97.5-99.5 F) and the average body temperature is 37 C (98.6F). Body temperature varies from the person to person and on their age, infection, exertion, sex, reproductive status, time of the day and the activity of the body (sleeping, walking or sedated). Body temperature also varies by the location of measurements like oral temperature has the average 36.6±.5 C (98.2±0.9 F) and vagina temperature is 37.0 C (98.6F) 11. The changes of someone’s body temperature is about .5 C (.9 F) between the highest and lowest points. When there is a conflict between the inner ear, eyes and the muscles during the traveling cause the motion sickness. This happened due to the vibrating information of eyes, inner ear and muscles to the brain and brain to become confused released some secretion in response immune system taking action against it which causes the motion sickness. It is not a disease while it is a condition occurred to travelers. Travelers should try to see outside objects while looking at still objects.
Temperature, Normothermia, human body, motion sickness