Manuscript for Review Process
Evaluation of the Physical and Mental Development of Children with Diffusive Goiter in the state of Euthyroidism
To date, in Central Asia, a small amount of research evaluating the influence of diffuse goiter of various degrees in the state of euthyroidism on mental and physical condition of children. The main aim of the current study is to Evaluate the mental and physical data of children with diffuse goiter in the state of euthyroidism. We examined 23 children from 7 to 16 years old (15 girls) with DG of varying degrees in a state of euthyroidism. In 14 (60, 9%) patients, SDS of height and body weight were noted at the level of medium values; in 9 (39, 1%) patients SDS of height and weight were below average quantities. 19 (82, 6%) patients had an average level of IQ; in 4 (17, 4%) patients the IQ level was lower than the normal. Despite the euthyroid state, children and adolescents with diffuse goiter note some decline in physical and mental development, and the greater the degree of increasing thyroid gland, this more expressed.
Diffuse goiter, Euthyroidism, Physical and mental development, Hypothyroidism