Manuscript for Review Process
Innovative way of development of the Agro-industrial complex on the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Annotation. Innovation is an innovation in such areas as technology, technology, organization of labor and management, based on the use of scientific achievements and best practices, as well as the use of these innovations in various fields and areas of activity. Innovations in the agro-industrial complex are considered to be the achievement of science and technology, necessary to increase labor productivity, production efficiency, and the efficiency of existence of all branches of agriculture. Innovation regarding the development of the agro-industrial sector is new technologies, new equipment, new plant varieties, new animal breeds, new fertilizers and plant and animal protection products, new methods for the prevention and treatment of animals, new forms of organization, financing and crediting of production, new approaches to preparation, retraining and staff development and many others.
Annotation. Innovation, Uzbekistan