ABSTRACT: Neonatal sepsis is the main cause of morbidity and mortality of the neonate in the developing countries, and the delays in the diagnosis and treatment increase the incidence of the occurrence. The incidence of neonatal sepsis increasing from year to year despite the development in the medical field, were there are no accurate diagnostic test help in detecting and diagnosing the neonatal sepsis. This study concern to review the factors influencing the early onset of neonatal sepsis in NICU department, there are two main factors influencing neonatal sepsis, first one maternal factor and the second neonatal factor. The objective of this review is to determine the factors influencing the early onset of neonatal sepsis in NICU department. Method: a meta-analysis study collecting data form available literature review to identify factors that influencing early onset neonatal sepsis. Result: There are many factors related to the mother (maternal factors) and related to the neonate (neonatal factors) that increase the incidence of early onset of neonatal sepsis. Maternal factors such as premature rupture of membrane, prolonged rupture of membrane, chorioamnionitis, and infection during pregnancy…etc. Neonatal factors influencing neonatal sepsis such as the gender, the age, and birth weight, gestational age of the neonate and the Apgar score less than seven at 5 minutes.
Sepsis, Neonatal sepsis, Early onset of neonatal sepsis, Chorioamnionitis