A systemic frame work for the national transport network planning is presented in this study viewing each mode of transportation and sector of the economic activity as a sub system of the over all national social economic system this study is on the development of suitable national transport network planned based on the existing and committed new socio economic profile referred to respectively as the reference level national development scenario this is achieved using an appropriate transport priority index TPI mode for each state of the federal republic of Nigeria. Keeping in view, their characteristic features allocation aspects in relation to activity centers. states with higher TPI values are picked up to suggest improvement and or construction of new transport links to enhance accessibility and there by reduced their TPI the TPI scores are also used to computer aggregate benefits weighted with population accrued due to new transport links as envisaged in reference level national development scenarios to justify their construction in the light of economic progress and social equity that they promoted these custom tailored models based on the concept of transport priority indexes are extremely useful in national transport network planning for the federal republic of Nigeria.
TPI weighted profile Nigeria national transport network