The most essential deficiencies in the electro-floatation method of cleaning include the increase of the alkalization space near the cathode that leads to formation of the salts sediments on the cathode as a result of passing of the electric current through the water environment. In certain cases salts so tightly cover cathode’s surface that can cause the total curtailment of the process of electro-floatation. The reason for this deficiency consists of in the fact that as the anode of the method is used the dense grid from the wire of the defined thickness, which increases the current density, and, therefore, a quantity of generated hydrogen bubbles that promote to the intensification of the process of floatation. During the time, the generated of the sediment of salts simply close the grid and thus lock the output of the hydrogen bubbles through the grid. It should be also noted the fast depreciation of anodic grid as a result of its oxidation (formation on it of oxygen). To another deficiency of the process can be attributed uneven generation of gas bubbles on the surface of electrodes, which leads to the concentration of gas bubbles in the specific zones of floatation camera. The paper represents the use of anew developed method and constructed electro-flotator for the purification of the industrial waste waters that remove these deficiencies, because of its form and construction of its electrolytic base, and of use of the negatively charged with calculated dispersiveness of hydrogen bubbles in the technological process of industrial waters purification, connected to the separation of microscopic particles from waste water - the creation of strong complex of the hydrogen bubbles + valuable microscopic particles of the waste component of industrial waste water in the process of the elementary act of floatation.
Separation;Purification of the industrial waste water; Manyphase systems; Electric field influence on the water solutions; Hydrogen electrolysis gas bubbles.