Name: Dr. Ahlam Ali
Educational Qualification: PhD
Designation: Post-Doctoral Researcher at Queen's University of Belfast, UK
Department: Pharmacy
Queen's University Belfast
Research Interests: The chemical biology of nitric oxide and associated toxicological mechanisms in the cancer microenvironment, the tumour specific, transcriptionally targeted gene therapy strategies, characterization of freeze-dried (lyophilised) nanoparticles for pulmonary delivery, bio-inspired delivery systems for nano-medical applications, nanomedicine.
Biography: Ahlam Ali Post-Doctoral Researcher at School of Pharmacy Queen's University of Belfast, UK. she has a BSc Hons in Pharmacy and obtained a PhD within the school of Pharmacy at Queen’s University Belfast. Over the last 8 years she has gained invaluable research skills as a PhD (4 years) and now as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (4 years). After joining the experimental therapeutics research cluster as a post-doctoral research fellow in 2013, she has been involved in many research studies. Firstly, she was involved in investigating the chemical biology of nitric oxide and associated toxicological mechanisms in the cancer microenvironment, a continuation study from her research undertaken during her PhD, then her research was more focused on studying the tumour specific, transcriptionally targeted gene therapy strategies. she was also involved in many pharmaceutical collaborative studies to study the design and physicochemical characterization of advanced polymeric drug delivery systems for ocular applications, she has also been working on development and characterization of freeze-dried (lyophilised) nanoparticles for pulmonary delivery. She published 13 scientific publications, and one book chapter, and have given numerous conference presentations.
Serial no:IIEBM0312