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Name: Dr. Tsabang Nole
Educational Qualification: Ph.D.
Designation: Senior technicien at The Institute of Medical Research and Studies of Medicinal Plants, Cameroon
Department: Pharmacology & Therapeutic Chemistry
University: University of Yaounde
Research Interests: Botany; Ethnobotany; Ethnoveterinary practices; Ethnopharmacology; Environmental sciences, ESIA; Traditional medicine; Ecology and biodiversity
Biography: Tsabang Nole has completed his PhD at the age of 48 years. He is a botanist and ecologist with many skills in Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology and Environmental Sciences. Later on he obtained his post-graduation from the University of Yaounde 1, he started working at The Institute of Medical Research and Studies of Medicinal Plants where he has continued his research. Presently he is working as visiting lecturer in three Universities in Cameroon. Tsabang Nole has 50 publications and 4 books published by Heifer Project International, Cameroon and he is editor and/or reviewer in many international journals.
1-NKONGNENECK B.A ; ZAFACK ; L. ; NGUENANG G.M. et TSABANG, N. (1998). Importance d’Euphorbia hirta Lin. (Euphorbiacée) à vertus thérapeutiques dans la région de Bangou, Biosciences Cameroun, vol. IV. Rapport de la 5e conférence de Biosciences et Sécurité Alimentaire PP. 469 – 474.
2 NKONMENECK, B.A. ; TSABANG, N. ; ZAPFACK, L. ; NSOOH DONGMO, Z. ; NGUENANG G.M., LANDO, G., CARLSON, T.J. et KEITA, A. Voie de recours thérapeutique du diabète et les plantes utilisées par les diabétiques au Cameroun : cas de Yaoundé et ses environs, Revue Méd. Et Pharm. Afr. Paris vol 14 – 2000 PP 89 – 98 Paris.
3 TSABANG, N. ; NKONGMENECK, B.A. ZAPFACK, L. ; NZOOH DONGMO, Z., NGUENANG, G.M. ; LANDO, G. ; Carlson, T.J. et Porter P. Lowry II (2001). Inventaire des plantes à vertus antidiabétiques dans la région de Yaoundé au Cameroun, revue Méd. Pharm. Afr. Vol. 15 - 2001 PP 87 – 94 Paris.
4 DONGMO, A.B., KAMANYI, A., ACHANG M.S., CHUNGAG-ANYE MKEH, B., NJAMEN, T. B., NGUELEFACK, TSABANG, N, WAGNER, H. (2001). Anti-inframmatory and analgesis properties of the stem bark extracts of Erythropheum suaveolens (Caessalpiniaceae), Guillemin & Perrottet, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 77 (2001) 137-141 ELSEVIER.
5 WANDJI J.; TILLEQUIN F. ; DULCIE A MULHOLLAND . WANSI J. D. ; TANEE Z. FOMUM ; FUENDJIEP V. ; LIBOT F. ; TSABANG N. 2002. Fatty Acid Esters of Triterpenoids ans Steroid Glycosides from Gambeya africana. Planta 33/1201/681, Nat. Prod. Chem.
6. DONGMO A. B. ; KAMANYI A. ; DZIKOUK G. . CHUNGAG-ANYE MKEH B. ; TAN P. V. ; NGUELEFACK T. B. ; TSABANG N., BOPELET M. ; WAGNER H. 2003. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of the stem bark extract of Mitragyna ciliata (Rubiaceae) Aubrév. & Pellegr. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 84 (2003) 17-21. Elsevie.
7. ZAFACK L.; DIBATTO WATATT T. ; TSABANG N., Phytothérapie des maladies infantiles au Cameroun : cas des villages Foré-Dschang (Ménoua) et Batou (Ndé). Revue et médecine et pharmacopée africaine, Paris.
8. TSABANG N. ; NKONGMENECK, B.A. ; LEJOLY J. ; NGUENANG G.M. ; FONGNZOSSIE F. E. ; KOUEKE P. ; BIYITI L., TAMZE V. ; FOKO J. ; MBITTA MESSI J. C. H. ; ATANGANA NDONGO J. 2005 Médécine traditionnelle : une méthode d’indentification des diabétiques et/ou des hypertendus et desplantes pouvant améliorer leur état de santé. Cameroon Journal of Ethnobotany. Vol. 1 n o 1 Yaoundé, pp. 53-59.
9. NGUENANG, G. M., TSABANG, N., NKONGMENECK, B-A, FONGZOSSIE, F. E, 2005. Plan d’aménagement des forêts communautaires au Cameroun : perspective pour une gestion rationnelle des ressources naturelles : cas d’Enantia chlorantha Oliv. (Anonacées). Cameroun Journal of Ethnobotany, vol. 1, No 1, pp: 76-81
10.WANDJI, J., TILEQUIN F., DULCIE A. MULHOLLAND, Z. FOMUM ; JOVITA CHI SHIRRI ; TSABANG N. 2003 Pentacyclic triterpenoid and saponins from Gambeya boukokoensis. Phytochemistry ; Pergamon Vol. 64 pp 845-849.
11.DONGMO B., BIYITI, L’MBITTA MESSI J. C. H., TSABANG, N. ATANGANA NDONGO N. J. 2008 Les Rites de Purification en Médecine Traditionnelle au Cameroun : Rev. Med. Pharm. Paris.
12. WANSI J., WANDJI, J. KAMDEM W.A F, NDOM J. C, H. NGEUFA E. CHIOZEM D.D., CHI SHIRRI, J. CHOUDILARY, M.I, TSABANG, N., F. TILLEQUIN and FOMUMZ.T. (2006).Triterpenoids from Drypetes chevalieri Beille (Euphorbiaceae). Natural Product Research. Vol. 20 No.6. 20 May, pp. 586-592
13. ELVINE. M.P. NGUEFACF, KATHLEEN B.NGU, ALEX ACTHADE, TEOPHILE DIMO, NOLE TSABANG and JOSEPH MBAFOR (2005). Phytochemical composition and invitro effets of the ethyl acetate bark extract of Distemonanthus benthamianus Baillon (Caesalpiniaceae) on Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae. Cameroon Journal of Expérimental Biology, Vol. 01 No 01, pp. 50-53.
14.DONGMO, A. B., GALBA BEPPE, J., TSABANG N., KAMANYI A (2006). Analgesic activities of the sthem bark extract of Terminalia superba Engl. Et Diels ( Combretaceae). Pharmacologyonline 2: 171-177.
15.Joseph Gangoué- Pieboji, Noelly Ezé, Armand Ngongang Djintchui, Bathéleémy Ngameni, Nolé Tsabang, Dieudonné E Pegnyemb, Lucie Biyiti, Pierre nagassam, Sinata Koulla-Shiro and Moren Galleny. J Infect Dev Ctris 2009, 3 (9); 671-680
16. Fongnzossie Fedoung Evariste, Tsabang Nolé, Nkongmeneck Bernard Aloys, Nguernang Guy Merlin, Christina Ellis, Kamou Edouard, Balouma Jean Marie, Apolo Paul, Mathieu Halford, Valbuena Martha et Valère M. Les peuplemernts d’arbres du Sanctuaire à gorilles de Mengame au sud Cameoun. Tropical Conservation Science. Vol. 1 (3): 204-221, 2008
17.T. Jiofack, C. Fokunang, V. Kemeuzé, E. Fongnzossie, N. Tsabang, R. Nkuinkeu, P.M. Mapongmetsem and B. A. Nkongmeneck Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacopoea of South-West Ethnoecological Regon of Cameroon. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. Vol. 2 (8).pp 197-206 August 2009.
18. T. Jiofack, C. Fokunang, N. Guedjé, V. Kemeuzé, E. Fongnzossie, P.M. Mapongmetsem, B. A. Nkongmeneck and N. Tsabang, Ethnobotanical uses of medicinal plants of two ethnoecological regions of Cameroon. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Vol. 2 (3), pp 60-37, March 2010
19. Fongnzossie Fedoung Evariste1*, Nkongmeneck Bernard-Aloys1 and Tsabang Nolé The importance of habitat characteristics for tree diversity in the Mengamé Gorilla Reserve (South Cameroun) International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation Vol. 2(6) pp. 155-165, June 2010 Available online
20-Tsabang Nolé, Patrick Valère Tsouh Fokou, Dongmo MLauve Rachel Yamthe Tchokouaha, Béatrice Noguem, Tchokouaha L. Bakarnga-Via Bernard Aloys Nkongmeneck and Feukam Boyom F (2011). Ethnopharmacological study of Annonaceae medicinal plants used to treat malaria in four areas of Cameroon. Journal of Ethnopharmacology139: 171-180
21- Agbor G. A., Tarkang P A., Fogha J.V.G., Biyiti A. L., Tamzé V., Mbita Messi J. C. H., Tsabang N. Longo F., Tchinda A .T., Dongmo B., Dongfasiteli T N., Mbing N J., Kinga Joseph, Ngide R.A. and Simo D. Acute and subacute toxicity of aqueous extract of Morinda lucida stem bark . Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 7 (3) pp.158-168, 2012.
22- Tarkang A.P., Okolobo F..A., Agbor G.,Tsabang N., Miguatai, A., Rukungai, G.M. (2012). Indigenous knowledge and folk use of a polyherb antimalarial by the Bayang Community South West Region of Cameroon. Scholar Research Library. J. Nat. Prod. Plant Ressour. 2012. 2 (3): 372-380
23-Tsabang Nolé, Guedje N.M., Nnana Ngah, Tamzé V., Biyity L., Abor Tom, Aborg Gabriel, Donfansiteli N., Kinga J. and Essame Oyono J. L. Production des médicaments traditionnels améliorés au Cameroun : cas d’un hypolycémiant oral. Health Sci Dis: Vol.12 (3) (September 2012)
24-Guedjeu Nicole, Fodjo Robert; Tadjouteu Fullbert, Jiofack Réné B T., Tsabang Nolé, Fokunang Charles et Fotso Simon (2012) Médecine Traditionnelle Africaine (MTR) et Phytomédicaments : Défis et Stratégies de Développement. Health Sci. Dis. Vol 12 (3) September 2012.
25- Wansi Sylvie, Fofie Christian, Watcho Pierre, Mbuyo Pami Elvine, Tsabang Nolé et Nguefack Telespore Benoit (2013). In vitro antiyperlycemic and antioxidant properties of extracts form stem bark of Ceiba pentandra. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medecine. Decision on Manuscript ID APJTM 2012-1197.R1
26- Donfagsiteli Tchinda Néhémie, Hubert Jean Claude Mbita Messi, Fotso Bernard, Nzeundji, Tsabang Nolé, Dongmo Bernard, Doungous Oumar, Protus Arrey Tarkang, Aaron Carver, Omokolo Ndoumou Dénis (2013). Improving propagation methods of Ricinodendron heudelotii Baill. From cuttings. South African Journal of Botany, 7 p.
27- Protus ArreyTarkang, 1G. A. Agbor, 1N.Tsabang, 1L. R. Y. Tchokouaha, 1D. A., Tchamgoue, 3D. Kemeta, 4Y. S. N. Mengue, 1J. R. Mba, 1F. Weyepe Effect of Long-Term Oral Administration of the aqueous and ethanol leaf extracts of Cymbopogon citratus (DC. ex Nees) Stapf Scholars Research Library Annals ofBiological Research, 2012, 3 (12):5561-5570
28- Tchokouaha Yamthe L. R., Tsouh Fokou P.V., Jiatsa Mbouna C., Kamumoe R., Tsabang N. (2015). Extracts from Annona muricata L. and Annona recticulata L. (Annonaceae) potently and selectively inhibit Plasmodium falciparum. Medicine, 2, 55-66 pp.
30- BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014; 14: 142.
30- Galba Jean Beppe, Alain Bertrand Dongmo, Harquin Simplice Foyet, Nolé Tsabang, Zenovia Olteanu, Oana Cioanca, Monica Hancianu, Théophile Dimo, and Lucian Hritcu
Memory-enhancing activities of the aqueous extract of Albizia adianthifolia leaves in the 6-hydroxydopamine-lesion rodent model of Parkinson’s disease. PMCID: PMC4019966; Published online Apr 30. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-142
31- Valerie Flore Donkeng Donfack, Susama Rague Griela Trigo, Patrick Valère Tsouh Fokou, Lauvz Rachelle Yanthe Tchokouaha, Nole Tsabang, Paul Henri Amvam Zollo, Margarida Gomela-Neves, Fabrice Fekam Boyom (2014.) Antimycobacterial of Selected Medicinal plants rxtracts from Cameroon. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 8 (1). 273-288
32- Nolé Tsabang, Stella Kadjob, Rose N. Mballa, Clement G. Yedjou, Nga Nnanga, Néhémie T. Donfagsiteli, Alembert T. Tchinda, Gabriel A. Agbor, Claudine Ntsamaand Paul B. Tchounwou (2015). New approach for the development of improved traditional medicine: case of a preparation of an oral hypoglycemic medicine from Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach. & Thonn.) Chew. (Urticaceae) Molecular Pharmaceutic & Organic Prossess Research 6 p.
33- Nole Tsabang, Clement Yedjou, WL Tsambang Djeufack, Alembert Tiabo Tchinda, Néhémie Donfagsiteli Tchinda, Gabriel Agbor Agbor, Paul Bernard Tchounwou and Aloys Bernard Nkongmeneck (2015). Treatment of diabetes and/or hypertension using medicinal plants in Cameroon. Medicinal & Aromatic Journal 5 p.
34- Nole Tsabang, WL Tsambang Djeufack, Armel Nouboudem Tedjou, Alain Bernard Dongmo, Somwa Denis, Gabriel Agbor Agbor and Aloys Bernard Nkongmeneck (2015). Ethnopharmacological surveys’ methodologies for medicinal plants uses discovery and environmental threatens on recorded plants from indigenous knowledge in Cameroon. Global Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 12-22 p.
35- Tsabang N, Guedje N. M, Fokunang C.,Dongmo S, Tchokouaha Yamthe L. R., Tsouh Fokou P.V, Jiofack R., Protus Arrey Tarkang, Nouedoui C and Fekam Boyom F (2016) Ethnopharmacological and Ethnomedical study of anti-epileptic plants used in traditional medecine in Yaounde and its surroundings areas (Cameroon) Journal of Biological and Chemical Research, Published by Society of Advancement of Sciences an international peer reviewed
36- Tsabang N, Fongnzossie E, Donfack D, Yedjou CG, Tchounwou PB, et al. (2016) Comparative Study of Epidemiological and Anthropological Aspects of Diabetes and Hypertension in Cameroon. Forest Res 5:165. doi:10.4172/2168-9776.1000165
37- Nole T, Lionel TDW, Cedrix TFS, Gabriel AA (2016) Ethnomedical and Ethnopharmacological Study of Plants Used For Potential Treatments of Diabetes and Arterial Hypertension by Indigenous People in Three Phytogeographic Regions of Cameroon. Diabetes Case Rep 1:110.
38- Tsabang N, Ngah N, Estella FT, Agbor GA (2016) Herbal Medicine and Treatment of Diabetes in Africa: Case Study in Cameroon. Diabetes Case Rep 1:112.
39- Tsabang Nole, Fongnzossie Evariste, Bongoe Adamou, Dongmo Bernard, Donfagsiteli Tchinda Nehemie, Tchinda Tiabou Alembert, Agbor Gabriel, Zambou Francois and Nguelefack Telesphore Benoit (2016) Ethnopharmacological Studies for Sustainable Development in Cameroon Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, RRJPPS: Volume 5, issue 3, 38-56p.
40- Tsabang Nole (2016) An Ethno Pharmacological New Strategy for Discovery of Potential Antihypertensive Plants in Cameroon, Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta, 7:11 DOI: 10.4172/2153-2435.1000517
41- Tsabang Nole, Tsambang Djeufack Wilfried Lionel, Ndikum Valentine Nchafor, Tsambang Fokou Stheve Cedrix and Donfack Delphine (2016) Diabetes and arterial hypertension resorts of treatments and plants used for their treatments in three phytogeographic areas of Cameroon. International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (ISSN:2474-1361). Vol. 1(4): 0045-0059
42-Nole T, Nouboudem Armel T, Rene J, Fero M (2016) Importance of Research for Africa in Uninterrupted Mutation. Pharm Anal Acta 7: 528. doi:10.4172/2153-2435.1000528
43-Tsabang N, Fongnzossié E, Keumeze V, Jiofack R, Njamen D, et al. (2017) Ethnomedical and Ethnopharmacological Study of Plants Used by Indigenous People of Cameroon for The Treatments of Diabetes and its Signs, Symptoms and Complications. J Mol Biomark Diagn 8: 310. doi: 10.4172/21559929.1000310
44- Tsabang N, Tsambang LWD, Yedjou CG and Paul B. Tchounwou (2017). Socio-cultural contribution to medicinal plants assessment and sustainable development: case of antidiabetic and antihypertensive plants in Cameroon, Global Drugs and Therapeutics, doi: 10.15761/GDT.1000112
45- Tsabang N, Yedjou CG, Tchounwou PB (2017) Phytotherapy of High Blood Pressure in Three Phytogeographic Regions of Cameroon. Pharm Anal Acta 7: 530. doi: 10.4172/2153-2435.1000530
46- Tsabang N, Atsamo Albert, Tsambang Joel Elysée Tsafack, Donfagsiteli Néhemie, Tchinda Alembert, Agbor Gabriel, Yedjou CG and Paul B. Tchounwou (2017). Medicinal Uses and Natural Availability of Three Plant Species in Selected Ecosystems in Cameroon; Journal of Analytical & Pharmaceutical Research, 4(4): 00109
47- Jean R Mba, Fidele CL Weyepe, Aristide LK Mokale, Armelle D Tchamgoue, Lauve RY Tchokouaha, Tsabang Nole, Protus A Tarkang, Donfagsitelie T Nehemie, Tchinda T Alembert, Mbita M, Dongmo B, Gabriel A Agbor (2017) Antidiarrhoeal, Antibacterial and Toxicological Evaluation of Harungana madagascariensis; Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB) ISSN 2321-6883, Sch. Acad. J. Biosci.; 5(3):230-239
48- Pascal D. Douanla, Turibio Kuiate Tabopda, Alembert T. Tchinda, Ewa Cieckiewicz, Michel Frédéric, Fabrice Fekam Boyomh, Nole Tsabang, Samuel Yeboah, Augustin E. Nkengfack Marguerite Hortence K. Tchuendem (2015), Antrocarines A–F, antiplasmodial ergostane steroids from the stem bark of Antrocaryon klaineanum, Phytochemistry, Volume 117, 521–526
49- Tsabang N, Tsambang DW L. A Different Approach in the Traditional Treatment of Diabetes and of Antidiabetic Plants, Discovery in Cameroon. Glob J Pharmaceu Sci. 2017; 3(4): 555617.
50- Choungo P., Jiofack R., Tchoundjeu Z., Makueti J., Nolé T. (2017) Evaluation des paramètres de croissance d’une espèce à usage multiple au Cameroun :Cas de Irvingia wombolu Vermoesen (Irvingiaceae) Revue Scientifique et Technique Forêt et Environnement du Bassin du Congo,Volume 9. P. 51-57, DOI :
51- Lauve Rachel Tchokouaha Yamthe , Regina Appiah-Opong, Patrick Valere Tsouh Fokou, Nole Tsabang, Fabrice Fekam Boyom, Alexander Kwadwo Nyarko and Michael David Wilson (2017). Marine Algae as Source of Novel Antileishmanial Drugs: Marine Drugs, 15(11), 323; doi:10.3390/md15110323
Serial no:IIEBM0242