Journal Name: Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews
Article Type: Opinion
Received date: 05 March, 2019
Accepted date: 08 March, 2019
Published date: 2021-03-21
Citation: Oliviéri LO (2019) Acupuncture and Geometric Shapes. J Biomed Res Rev Vol: 2, Issu: 1 (45-49).
Copyright: © 2019 Oliviéri LO. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Most ancient geometry use can be attributed to primitive people who discovered obtuse triangle on the old Indus Valley and the old Babylon around 3000 BC.
Most ancient geometry use can be attributed to primitive people who discovered obtuse triangle on the old Indus Valley and the old Babylon around 3000 BC.

The Greek people inherited all experimentation, intuition and empiricism from the Egyptian, basing on their every law and rule related to space.
The Greek geometry was influenced greatly by considering aesthetics and religion, which was seen perfection in everything circular.
Pythagoras (570 – 495 BC) – Besides his own main bequest – “Pythagorean Theorem”, he works on spatial geometry within elements such as cube, sphere, tetrahedron and octahedron.

Plato (427 – 347 BC) – Profound admirer of geometry and proportion. He wrote “Timaeus” in 400 BC explaining the origin of the universe through 5 perfect platonic solids.
- Air – octahedron
- Fire – tetrahedron
- Universe – dodecahedron
- Earth – cube
- Water – icosahedron

The five platonic solids
- Plato understood the world as constituted by four basic elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water, establishing a mystic association among those solids.
- If we have square shapes we can consider the cube, which he associated to Earth.
- Triangles form a tetrahedron, associated to fire, which its penetrating nature is symbolized in the acuteness of its vertices.
- The octahedron was associated to Air and icosahedron to water.
- The fifth solid, the decahedron, was considered by Plato as the symbol of the universe.
Platonic symbols
Cube (Earth) | ![]() |
tetrahedron (Fire) | ![]() |
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Octahedron (Air) | ![]() |
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icosahedron (Water) | ![]() |
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dodecahedron (Universe) | ![]() |
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The Plato Solids are the expression in triangle, square and pentagon’s volume.
These solids are the only volume in which all edges are equal in proportion and every interior angle are the same.
Each cell of the dense physical body, as present on more subtle bodies, contains an information like a code, called codification.
This codification is stored intelligence at cellular and non-cellular level.
Each cell has its own intelligence, regardless it is codified or not. This intelligence is stored as memory.
There is even more stored intelligence in subtle bodies besides the dense physical plane.
The energy brought through the acupuncture needle carries codification which can unlock information as soon as it is inserted on the right acupuncture points.
There is also codification in each acupuncture point, an amount of energy is released, put simultaneously into motion as soon as the needle is inserted.
Codification is at:
- Acupuncture point,
- The energy codification from the needle,
- The acupuncturist and client’s Qi,
- The released action and synergy by the new codification standards are all put into motion.
Holograms and holographic nature explain how a tiny part of a whole contain its complete information.
This is the same to say that accessing this tiny particle, it is possible to reproduce the whole reaching its own information.
There is a forcefield belonging to the geometric structures which creates energy.
Installation Activation and Updating
The installation is only the process in putting the correct keys (needles) in the right locks. (Acupuncture points), on the correct sequence.
At this stage, the portal has the potential to be opened or not.
The activation process indicates that the key from this portal has been turned allowing us to proceed inside the internal sanctuary.
It is the manner and sequence of stimulus that will start the activation.
The updating process, will only happen when we alongside the patient have entered the patterns process.
This can happen right away or takes 1 or 2 applications to occur.
Rotation Points
Rotation points - concept
It is possible to see the acupuncture meridians reach a number of 361.
These same numbers 3-6-1, are shown in other esoteric disciplines.
In the esoteric numerology, the three separated numbers 3-6-1 represent a trilogy.
- Number 3 alone represents “Trilogy”.
- Number “6” represents a double trilogy and the six pointed star. Inside 6 are all things unified.
- Number “1” represents the totality of all things.
- Adding “3” + “6” + “1” = “10”, which represents the totality, the balance of male/female or the energies yin/yang.
10 = the number “1” representing the masculine energies while the number “0” represents the feminine.
It is important no notice the sequence 3-6-1 is about a geometric configuration which will put into motion a rotational vibrational field.
This field is a rotation type as shown on the picture below.
Number “3” represents the Trinity: Father, Mother and son. The triangular gathering is seen as the meaning of the expression of “one”.
As the 3 triangles get grouped, there will happen a clockwise rotation creating a tremendous light vessel.
Besides the tetrahedrons spinning clockwise as a celling fan, the tetrahedron will do so individually and simultaneously with the center axe where the needle is inserted.
In other words, there will be a energy field, in which three geometric forms spinning simultaneously inside a fourth spinning form creating a unique and very powerful form field.
Qi’s Flux
Jijaji Points HUATO
- Jia is translated as lateral or next to in Chinese.
- Ji is translated as vertebral spine.
- This are acupuncture points that are located next to the inferior edges of each spinal process of the vertebra of the spinal column.
The Jiaji points or Huato are applied to approximately at 0,5 cun of bilateral form to the edges of each spinal column process of the twenty four vertebras or seventeen in case of excluding the cervical.
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