Journal Name: Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry Studies
Article Type: Review
Received date: 28 June, 2019
Accepted date: 04 July, 2019
Published date: 11 July, 2019
Citation: Zahran SK (2019) Human Bio-field and Psychical Sensitivity. J Psychol Psychiatry Stud Vol: 1, Issu: 1 (36- 38).
Copyright: Dr. Samah Khaled Zahran, Personality and Social Psychologist, Ain Sham University, Egypt. Email: dr.samahkz(at)
This article gives a brief, general overview about human bio-field, or human energy field, its nature and function, then the relationship between this measurable energetic body and human psychical status and behavior. It hypothesized that human bio-field bridge between science and spirit, so it is highly important to spot on, to gain scientific accepted experimental psychical science, among scientists.
Human bio-field, Human Energy Field (HEF), human biofield measurement, bio-field and psychical sensation.
This article gives a brief, general overview about human bio-field, or human energy field, its nature and function, then the relationship between this measurable energetic body and human psychical status and behavior. It hypothesized that human bio-field bridge between science and spirit, so it is highly important to spot on, to gain scientific accepted experimental psychical science, among scientists.
Human bio-field, Human Energy Field (HEF), human biofield measurement, bio-field and psychical sensation.
Human Bio-field
Its definition, nature and function
In 1994 a panel of scientists at the national institute of health, chose the word “biofield”, to describe the field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body [1].
Biofield also, defined as fields surrounding living biological objects. Linked with cellular activities and induced the various healing process. They can have photonic, thermal, magnetic and electromagnetic components. One possible influence of biofield phenomena is that they may act directly on molecular structures, changing the conformation of molecules in functionally significant ways. Another influence is that they may transfer bioinformation carried by very small energy signals interacting directly with the energy fields of life, which more recently known as the biofield. Biofield is electromagnetic field existing very faintly around an organism [2].
Rupert Sheldrake believes the biofield is a morphogenetic field - an aspect of the larger morphic field that directs evolution and orders nature by imposing organization on what are otherwise random and indeterminate activities. The morphic field is responsible for formative causation, not just at the level of the body, but at the species and even societal levels as well. The morphic field is not fixed, but evolves, driven by morphic resonance, which is a quantum “non-local field” resonance, meaning it operates not at the classical level of cause-and-effect, but at that of quantum entanglement and “action at a distance.” The morphogenetic field is the organizing field for most organisms, including human beings. It interpenetrates the human body and not only influences our physical and psychological selves, but also may be at the foundation of so-called “paranormal” abilities, such as telepathy and hands on healing [3].
Some references replace human bio-field by Human Energy Field (HEF), and define it as elliptical lattice of vibrational frequencies that emanates from human core and permeates the physical body [4]. HEF is the most sensitive reflection of physical, emotional, and in some cases, spiritual condition of life [5].
There exists a fundamental assumption that all life sustained by a universal life energy. Quantum theories posit that all realities consist of energy fields, vibrating at different frequencies. Some are visible, while others are not. HEF believed to communicate human with what surrounded them, which involves interchange that balance or imbalance, and result health or illness [6].
Energy is a general quantitative measure of any type of movement, activity and the interaction of all types of matter. Energy in nature does not come from nothing and does not disappear; it may only transfer from one form to another. The concept of energy binds together all-natural phenomena. The possibility of accomplishing work also called energy. Just as there are different forms of the movement of matter, there are different forms of energy: kinetic and potential, mechanic, electromagnetic, nuclear and so on. These divisions are generally well known. So chemical energy made up of the kinetic energy of the movement of electrons and the electrical energy of the interaction of electrons amongst themselves and with atomic nuclei. Internal energy is equal to the sum of the kinetic energy of molecular movement around the centre of body mass and the potential energies of the interaction of molecules amongst themselves [5].
Bio-energy is energy that holds the molecules that makes up the human body and creates, contains the unique blueprint for each body [7].
To conclude, human bio-energy emitted from human bioactivities that contains photons, electromagnetic, magnetic, and thermal components that are measurable. It functions to communicate human with h/her surroundings, and reflects h/her internal status of physical and psychological status.
Human bio-field researches, Measurement and Application
Human biofield research, although in its infancy, conducted by multi-disciplines scientists many works to describe and map bio-energy in terms of its origins as well as manifestations [8].
Kim 2008 reviewed 24 research studies conducted within Rogers’s science of unitary human being among 2004-2007. The results demonstrated valuable framework for applying on nursing knowledge, all ways of knowledge used in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a plan that co-created with the person and designed to facilitate healing [6].
Biofield hypothesis implies that complementary therapies act dynamically on bio-regulation, rather than on structure function relationships central to the current biomedical paradigm. Rubik’s idea of the human energy field as a communicator resonates with that put forth by Oschman 2000 and Brekke and Schultz 2006, noting that different energetic therapies focus on different aspects of this complex communication system [6].
The twenty first century called “century of quantum biology”, which focus on the quantum nature of the body, so therapies will focus on “bio-energetic” and “bio-information” in nature [3].
Bio-well instrument is high-developed software to measure human biofield, based on quantum electrophotomics imaging, developed from Dr. Korotkov instrument in 1995. Bio-well instrument based on the stimulation of the photon and electron emissions from the surface of the object, the process called “photo electron emissions”. Recently, a new application named “EPC Sputnik”, developed to detect remote human emotions. The bio-well instrument presented at USA national institutes of health to audience of 27 excellent scientific investigators, which achieved reorganization of those experts [5].
Human biofield and psychology, “psychical sensitivity”
The people’s perception and thoughts, determine the outcome of the Bio-Field associated with them termed as Aura or Halo. For most common people the aura is so faint and weak that it is not visible by the naked eye. However, for those who evolved, spiritually and humanely haloes could be visible due to larger amount Bio-Field accumulated inside and around them. The structure of the AURA understood based upon the interpretation of each color in the various layers which together make-up the AURA. The human AURA very much depends upon and is a reflection of the human behavior and psychology and act as a connection between the mental and physical factors [6].
Several animals have the ability to perceive the Biofield surrounding them. Animals have shown the ability to interact with the Earth’s magnetic field; Birds fly in a definite pattern. This pattern formed when bird’s magnetic fields interact and resonate with the other bird’s magnetic field and with Earth’s magnetic field. Similarly, in Humans, if someone is looking from the back, the person could sense the feeling of being constantly observed, the reason could be that, the magnetic field of the person gets concentrated and interacts with the magnetic field of the other person. The magnetic field generated by the source disturbs the recipient’s magnetic field as a result the person can anticipate someone’s presence [6].
People do not appear to take decisions in the same way when feeling strong emotions in the proximity of others as they do on their own, it appears that bigger the crowd is, the stronger the affect appears to be, suggesting a physical mechanism of data transfer. Biomagnetic resonance understood to be the biomagnetic energy field produced by metabolism in the body which is radiated away from the body, stochastic resonance understood, to be the ability of a signal to absorb power from its background environment while maintaining coherence in its meaning, multiplying in this way the strength of its signal. These signals proposed to amplify by stochastic resonation and to be detectable in others [9].
It suggested there are two separate neural systems the unconscious uses to scan faces; one system spots physiological features that are emotional (e.g., identity, gender, race), the other examines exterior or dynamic expressions (e.g., quick displays of emotions), research proposes that these two neural systems interact in a bidirectional manner. It may be the system identifying stable difference may work first, and then activating the dynamic system to examine the emotional state of the person found to be different.
Biomagnetic fields radiate some distance from the body, if crowd members are angry or fearful, their biomagnetic resonation away from the body will logically carry patterns containing this data as the body produces a bio-magnetic field with patterns corresponding to its metabolic condition [9].
It found that substantial variations in individual’s biomagnetic emissions, the conformation of the skin pores is unique to each individual; efficiency of mechanisms of reception may be dependent on the conformation in each individual of their miniscule ridges of skin. As our fingerprints are unique, the ability of each person to capture biomagnetic signals and photons therefore depends on their individual physiological factors. It found that blood in the body is sensitive to a magnetic field coming from a particular direction, Iron appears to have anisotropic (directionally sensitive) qualities at room temperature, and paramagnetic neurotransmitters are concentrated, (used by the body for reward and addiction) [9].
For Magnetosensitivity to be possible, as well as detecting signals the body must also have a transmission mechanism to project emotional content, as well as the heart appearing to be sensitive to external electromagnetic fields, it also produces the strongest electromagnetic field from the body of any organ. Weaker than MRI, magnetic fields from the heart detectable at some distance from the body, then may be more detectable than their power which suggests resonance quality capable of amplifying itself through absorption of environmental “noise”, as it is intimately linked with metabolism, therefore it is suggested that the heart is the principle emitter of biomagnetic signals [9].
To conclude, human biofield as a human umbrella or atmosphere that represents human physical and psychological status, and connect one to h/her surroundings. This umbrella contains information, and detect information too unconsciously, that help human adaptation to h/her environment. BEF radiates away from body, resonates and interacts with others- in a complex radiated communication system- to maintain coherence. Studying such BEF with its all components, may help scientist develop not only healing procedures, but also human psychical system, and how does it work.
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