Name: Abdelrazak
Educational Qualification: PhD
Designation: Professor
Department: Medicine
University: Hampton University
Research Interests: Role of H pylori in idiopathic hypercalciuric urolithiasis
Biography: Spearheaded collaborative research projects; including International Center for Population Studies and Research Al-Azhar University Cairo Egypt, Ain Shams University and Hampton University producing several peer-reviewed publications Reviewer of International Journals: Journal of Medical and Biological Science Research and Journal of Probiotics and Health -Discovered that Helicobacter pylori are the causative organisms of "Infant Colic." -Discovered and Studied the role of H pylori in idiopathic hypercalciuric urolithiasis. -First to explore the interrelation between IBS, Infant colic, and H. pylori infection. -In 2012, Isabelle -BioMed Updater, and Mike Grub. BioMed. Lib/ honored my research “H Pylori and infant Colic” the first top ten international research all over the world.
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