Name: Dr. Ossama E. Gouda
Educational Qualification: PhD
Designation: Professor
Department: Department of Electrical Engineering
University: Cairo University
Research Interests: Machines, power and high voltage, Electricity, magnetism and electrical technology, Power utilization, Circuits, Electric materials, Electric measurements, Electric circuits, Computer technology, Design and theory of electric machines
Biography: Ossama E. Gouda was born in 1951. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Cairo University, Egypt in 1975. He finished the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in the field of High Voltage, from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1979 and 1982, respectively. In 1988 he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Kema Institute, Arnhem, Netherland, where he was a Research Fellow. Since 1993, he has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering Department, Cairo University. Currently, He published more than 200 papers and books in his field and he was supervisor for about 60 M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees students. He is a regular reviewer for IEEE, Electric Power Components and Systems, and IET.
1- M. Khalifa, A, El-Morshedy, O.E. Gouda and SE. -D.Habib “A new Monitor for pollution on power line insulators” Part II Simulated Field Tests “. lEE Procedings, Vol.135, Pt. C, No. 1, January 1988, PP. 24-30.
2- O.E. Gouda, A. G.Z Zeitoun and E.A.Eisawy “New Algorithm for determining critical flashover voltage and standard deviation from flashover probability data” ETEP, Vol.1 No. 5, September/October 1991, PP. 233-241
3- 0. E. Gouda “Formation of the dried-out zone around under ground cables loaded by peak loading ‘Modeling simulation and control, A,AMSE Press, Vol. 7,No. 3,1986.
4- O.E.Gouda and A.A.Rasmi “Effect of the time and voltage on the critical temperature of Epoxy Resin “Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 36, No: 1, March, 1989, PP. 20 7-214.
5- O.E. Gouda and A.El-Morshedy “Thermal analysis of an Energized polluted insulator” Proceeding Int. AMSE Conf Modelling and simulation, Athens, June, 2 7-29, 1984, Vol.3.2.
6- Ahdab El-Morshedy, O.E. Gouda and ZA.M Yusuf “A study of leakage currents on polluted insulators” Proceedings of Jordan International Electrical and Electronic Engineering conference, April 28—May 1, 1985,PP.309-314.
7- H.Anis and O.E. Gouda “Behavior of desert polluted insulators under transient voltages. Third Inter. Symposium on High voltage Engineering, Milan, 28-31 August, 1979.
8- MMAbdel Aziz, O.E.Gouda “New method for cable joint cooling” African Electrical Technology Conference, 7-9 December, 1983 — IEEE Region 8.
9- MMAbdel Aziz, O.E. Gouda and M.S. Abo-Seda “Field distribution around heat pipe inside cable joints “IEEE IA S-1983 Annual meeting, Oct. 3-7, 1983, PP, 1118-1121.
10- G.Koopmans, O.E. Gouda “Transport of Heat and Moisture in soils with Hysteretic Moisture potential” Proceedings of the Fourth Inter. Conference Held in Swansea, UK on 15th – 18th July, 1985,PP,846-8 74, Vol.2 Section].
11- O.E.Gouda, S.KHindawi “The dried out zone formation around under-ground cables, analysis and computation” 11th Inter. Congress for statistics computer Science Social and Demographic Research, Cairo, Egypt 29 March-3 April, 1986.
12- O.E.Gouda, S.S.El-Dessouky “Effect of electro-Static Force on the thermal-mechanical breakdown of cable dielectric” Proceedings of Int. AMSE conf. Modeling and Simulation, Sorrento Italy Sept. 29-Oct.1, 1986, Vol.2. 3, PP. 61-70.
13- S.S.El-Dessouky, A.A.Rasmi and O.E.Gouda “Experimental work for the resistance of high voltage laboratory earthing grid at Port-Said of Egypt” Proc. Of Int.AMSE conf. Modelling and Simulation, Cairo Egypt, March, 2-4, 1987, vol. 2B, 13 3-140.
14- O.E.Gouda, S.S.El-Dessouky “Effect of electrostatic force on the dielectric of he three phae under ground cables “Pro. Of Int. AMSE conf. Modelling and Simulation, Cairo Egypt, March, 2-4, 1987, vol. 2B, P.115-124.
15- O.E.Gouda, A.El-Morshedy “Laboratory simulation of natural pollution conditions of high voltage insulators” Proceedings of the first symposium on electrical power system in fast developing countries, March 12-24,1987, Riyadh in cooperation with the IEEE, Region 8.
Serial no:IIEBM0566