Name: Dr. Yifei Hu
Educational Qualification: M.D. Ph.D.
Designation: Associate Professor, Capital Medical University, China.
Department: Child and Adolescent Health and Maternal Care
University: Peking University Health Science Center
Research Interests: Emerging risk factors to fueling HIV epidemic, including synthetic drug use (methamphetamine type stimulants and nitrite inhalant), their psychosocial modifier to risk behaviors and how to measure them from population level.
Biography: Dr. Hu obtained her Ph.D. in epidemiology from China Center for HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention(Former name is Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine) (2014), got medical degree from Tong Medical University (2000), had Master of Science in Child and Adolescent Health from Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Peking University Health Science Center(2003), did post-doctoral studies with Drs. Hanzhu Qian and Sten H Vermund in Vanderbilt University, USA. She is currently Associate Professor in Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Maternal Care, Capital Medical University, China and was everAssistant/Associate Professor, National Center for HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention, China CDC 2003-2015, and National Technical Officer of World Health Organization representative office in Beijing 2005-2008. Dr. Hu was trained in US via AITRP program in Vanderbilt University 2009-2010 and FICRS fellowship from 2010-2011 with support from Fogarty Center. Hu’s research focuses on emerging risk factors to fueling HIV epidemic, including synthetic drug use(methamphetamine type stimulants and nitrite inhalant), their psychosocial modifier to risk behaviors and how to measure them from population level.
Serial no:IIEBM0228