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  Registered Member can submit unsolicited number of articles to any of the Innovation Info journals (each article page 18 max).
  Registered Member will get a prestigious certificate of Annual membership from Innovation Info.
  Advertisement banner of your products/services in Innovation Info website for a limited span of 3 months.
  Opportunity to organize a fellowship at any one of our events.
  Registered Member logo will be displayed in the Innovation Info website with a statement.
  Registered Member can organize a small symposium or exhibit a stall with complimentary registration pass at one of your interested events.
  Registered Member can submit unsolicited number of articles to any of the Innovation Info journals.
  Registered Member will get a prestigious certificate of Three-year membership from Innovation Info.
  Advertisement banner of your products services in Innovation Info website for a limited span of 45 days annually.
  Opportunity to organize a workshop at any one of our events.
  Registered Member can organize a small symposium or exhibit a stall with complimentary registration pass at two of your interested events.
  Registered Member can avail 10% discount on exhibit stalls at all of our International conferences.
* It’s not necessary to avail membership in each journal, single membership will allow you to submit unlimited manuscript to any journal in Innovation Info, if you are a corresponding author.